Friday, December 31, 2010

100% Complete!!

We get a huge MAZAL TOV! The application is done! (dont get too excited. we still have lots of other documents to complete!)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Time is Approaching...

You know the time for aliyah is coming when your daughter tells you how pretty all the lights on the trees are and how much she wishes we could have lights on our tree...

last year of this nonsense!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's been a while!!

WOW! Its been over a month since I last blogged! Been super busy with life and just now getting back in to aliyah planning mode. Over the last few days I have been aggressively planning my pilot trip. Contacting communities, setting up proffessional meetings, looking at schools for the kids and tons of other stuff. Everyone on the Israel side has been really helpful. I will check back as the planning continues... 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Busy Day....

Spent most of the day on the phone. First, I redeemed my credit card points for El Al Matmid points & booked my pilot trip. Next, I spoke with someone from the community of Mevo Choron. Sounds like a good option but needs further investigation. Then, I spoke with an employment counselor at Nefesh B'nefesh to start the employment ball rolling. After that I e-mailed an organization that helps people who want to make aliyah with financial grants. Lastly, I booked 2 tickets on the Hebron fundraiser boat for next week.
Now, Its off to learn...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Join our buying group

For all those looking to make aliyah in the next 8-12 months: We are gathering people together to make big purchases as one unit to get a significant discount on items such as appliances, shipping and cars. We have some contacts but are open for more.

If you are in this category, please e-mail me to join us!

Kuddos to NBN

Just want to say how impressed I am with Nefesh B'nefesh. They are really on top of everything from communities to jobs to schools for the kids. Lots to do but we are getting good guidance.

Toda Raba NBN

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meeting With Nefesh B'Nefesh

We met with Tammy from NBN yesterday. It was a very productive and informative meeting discussing everything Aliyah. She outlined our rights as Olim Chadashim (new immigrants) and gave us a timetable for pre-aliyah planning.

The community representatives and the employment people have already been in touch with us to continue the process.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

T'eudat Zehut Pictures

Last week we went to get pictures taken for our T'eudat Zehut (Israeli identification card). The pictures didn't come out great but it is still an exciting step.
Tuesday is our planning meeting with Nefesh 'Bnefesh. I will let you know how it goes....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

And the application continues...

References have been submitted and we are up to 85% on the official counter. Now comes the fun part... document submission... 23 in all. I have homework to do.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My day at work

I was speaking to another colleague at work today (who by the way is way "frumer" than me) and I mentioned that my wife and I would like to make aliyah. Her answer; "but you make no money there". My response; "who gives you money here?" Her response; "our company". My response "but who REALLY gives you money?". (At this point she realized where I was going.) Her response "G-d". My response; "so
G-d can give you money here but he cant give you money there?".

Food for thought: Where are the priorities of god's people? In money or in what god wants? What happened to good old  emunah? If god is all powerful he can just as easily give us money there as he can here. (And he can just as easily take money away here or there).

Wake up Jews! Its time to think a little less with our chutz l'aretz mentalaties and a little more with our neshamas!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Aliyah Meeting

The first chug aliyah meeting went very well. It was attended by about 30 people in all stages of their aliyah process. It was inspiring to see and hear all the attendees speaking of their reasons for making aliyah despite all of the real challenges that people face.
Thanks to Nefesh B'Nefesh for sending a representative to answer our questions and alleviate some of our concerns.
A special thank you to Shalom and Amy for hosting.
The next meeting is planed for after channuka. Stay tuned....

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shabbat Lech Licha

Coming off of a wonderful Shabbat with inspiring words on Yishuv Eretz Yisrael. The words spoken by the Rav made everyone think. Jews that have an Aliyah plan were strengthened and Jews that don't came to realize that they need one. Yashar Koach to all those that contributed.

Seeing the picture of the Judean Desert above made me realize what a test Avraham had. He was coming to a land that was dry and barren. Because of his sacrafice his great grandchildren have the opportunity to inherit a land that is flourishing and blooming. The tests that the Jews of chutz la'aretz have to endure today to come to Israel are nothing compared to those of previous generations. In the merit of our great forefather Avraham, those of us that have Aliyah plans should merit to carry them out soon and those of us that don't have plans should make plans. Shavua Tov!! 

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Search for a Community is on...

Spoke to the wonderful people at Mitzpe Yericho this week. Sounds physically and spiritually beautiful! One person I spoke to lives in a huge 5 bedroom apartment and pays exactly half of the rent that I pay for my 2 bedroom closet!
And if you are wondering, we are still working on the application. The essay is no small project. My goal is to have it done by Sunday night.

Looking forward to a special Shabbat speaking and learning of Eretz Yisrael. This week God tells Abraham "Get up and leave your land, your birth place, and the house of your father and go to the land that I will show you". Rashi comments and says go "for your benefit and your good".
We should not only make aliyah because God said so we should also go because there is so much benefit and good for us there!
Shabbat Shalom!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Still Working on the Application

Figured I would finish the application tonight. Worked on it for a few more hours. When I hit the 78% mark it asked me to write an essay. I am calling it a night! (My wife has some homework to do!) :-)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Started the application....

Just started the aliyah application. I had some time so I figured why not get it out of the way? An hour later and I am 14% done. I have to say, this is an exciting step in the aliyah process but it is going to take longer than I expected.

It seems that Nefesh B'Nefesh needs to know every detail of our life. A small price to pay for the eventual goal: A Teudat Zehut!

Anyway, back to work...

Monday, October 4, 2010

The last Succot/ Shmini Atzeret/ Simchat Torah "Aal Admat Neichar"

The first day of Succot was beautiful. A chance to relax and spend time in Hashem's embrace. Learning Torah and spending time with the family were the highlights. Yom Tov is always hard for me away from the holy land. Its just not the same here in America. Fortunately in our day in age I can connect to the spiritual air in Israel in a small way through the internet.

Watching how the Jews of the land of Israel said hallel over the chag helped me experiance a little taste of what I missed! See the videos below:

The second day of yom tov is always odd for me. Everyone knows that it isnt REALLY yom tov! It's one of those things that we Jews who live outside the land of Israel need to endure.

By the third straight day of yom tov / shabbat the look of fatigue is evident on everyones face!  The feeling begs the question: Is this what g-d wants?? The answer of course is NO!! G-d wants us in his land where there is one day of chag and then a break so we can usher in the holy shobbos with excitement and fire!

In short, Simchat Torah was weak! Maybe I just have too high expectations. All I have to say is:
Lishana Haba B'Yerushalayim! (...and I really mean it!)

Monday, September 27, 2010


This blog is designed to give you a window in to one families journey from New York to the holy land! It's contents are intended to be both informative and inspiring! Please join us on OUR ALIYAH ADVENTURE...